A personal project responding to the theme of “Treasure” (something that’s been lost or discarded and missed).
When I was a teenager, I made a mixed-media textile garden map using a rectangular piece of hessian and an assortment of bits and bobs. I remember using string, fabric, and lots of sequins and doing a lot of sewing. I loved this project and I felt very proud of it. I remember thoroughly enjoying the process and the end result; it might have been the start of the spark that made me pursue a creative career.
I used to keep this “treasure” and others like it in various containers and cases in a bright blue chest of drawers. I would pull them out every now and then, spread them on the floor, and just look at them and touch them. When I moved out of home, I had to leave the chest in storage (aka my Dad's dilapidated shed) and I kind of forgot about my treasures.
Eventually the shed got knocked down in a storm and a lot of the stuff was lost or unsalvageable. That hessian map was one of the things that was lost. This illustration is my memory of that lost treasure, and serves as a reminder for me to enjoy the feeling of creating something from nothing.